Sunday, October 28, 2012


Why hello.

My name is James Patrick Peter Clougher the V. Most people just call me Jim. I created this blog in late October of 2012 for the purpose of providing an outlet for my thoughts, creative expressions, ramblings etc. Primarily, this blog is a place of me reviewing music. I listen to a lot of it. I easily consume 2 to 3 albums a week, and given the fact that relatively few people in my area listen to the same types of material as I do, I tend to have some opinions stored up in my inner meat locker. Since stanky meat is bad meat, I figure I should throw it out into the waste-bin that is the internet

So, what you can expect from Yeold Repository:

 - Music reviews, primarily Hip Hop albums. I do listen to multiple genre's however, so when the mood strikes me, I have no qualms with covering other types of music.
 - The occasional video game review. I'm not as big into gaming as I used to be, but I try to follow the community as often as I can.
 - Ramblings under the guise of articles about pop culture, entertainment, politics, news, and pretty much anything else.

What you should NOT expect from me consistent recaps of my day or personal anecdotes. Unless something happens that I think relates to a topic going on in the media, I won't be using this as an online diary. Maybe if I think its interesting

Also, a quick description of my rating system when I review something.

I'm of the opinion that the only way to truly understand a piece of art is to immerse yourself in it with little to no outside influences. These ratings are not based on an OBJECTIVE set of criteria, but rather a totally SUBJECTIVE personal reaction that I had with the product. These reviews are just my opinion. Oop. In. Yun. You aren't obligated to agree with everything I say. That being said, here's the rubric on how I review something, from best to worst "grade".

A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F+, F, F-.

Pretty simple right? It's basically just a 15 point score that I give. No reason I use letters other then to add some flavor.

If you'd like to reach me, you're free to hit me up at I'm pretty timely with responses, so you can generally expect a response in one to three days. If I don't respond immediately, please do not spam me, as I will block you.

Hope you enjoy the blog! Always feel free to leave a comment, especially if you disagree. Blogging wouldn't be any fun if we all thought the same shit.

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